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Relationships: Sex education fails young people 关系:性教育要跟上年轻人的需要

返回列表加入收藏加入收藏 来源:青爱 发布日期:2016-10-31 浏览:-|


The number of cases of sexually transmitted diseases registered at the Center forDisease Control and Preventionsoared to 750,000 in2003 from5,800 in 1985.Taking HIV/AIDS as anexample, China now has575,000 carriers (people whoare HIV positive, but have not developed full blownAIDS),and patients (those with thefully developed disease),more than 90 percent ofwhom were infected via sexualcontact.Unwanted pregnanciesand abortions are alsothreatening the youngergeneration.


In 2014, the SichuanSex Education Societylaunched a six provincesurveyof more than 5,000 studentsages 12 to 24. Itshowed that 24 percent ofrespondents had engaged inpremarital sex, and 20 percenthad abortions.While the government isstill trying to formulate anationally recognized sexeducation curriculum, somenonprofit organizations havetaken the initiative andlaunched pilot projects.The Youth Love Station,supported by the AIDS Prevention Education Project for Chinese Youth, is one ofthem.By providing comprehensivesex education, theproject not only teaches studentsabout gender differencesand safe sex, it also aimsto convey the basic values of“love with respect” to youngpeople.



Growing confidence


“Using a condom is one ofthe most effective forms ofcontraception.”“If my girlfriend told meshe was pregnant, I wouldcalm her down first and tellher to avoid overexertion andmanual labor. Still, we wouldneed to tell both sets of parents.”


“Girls should keep warmduring their menstrual periods.Sometimes, before andduring their periods, they aremuch easier to anger.”The statements above areanswers to the question,“What do you know aboutgirls and safe sex?” posed bya teacher at Yingjiang No 3High School in Yunnanprovince. The answers,shared by three 13 yearoldmale students, indicate thatyoung people are becomingmore knowledgeable andconfident about sexualactivity.


Although there is no officialsex education at the school,its Youth Love Station is oneof 61 that have been operatedby the nonprofit organizationin Yingjiang county since2012.

“Before we launched theproject, many girls whosebreasts were developing walked with their headsdown because of ‘shame’.Some evenwore several itemsof clothing in summer to hidetheir breasts,” said Nie Yongxian,the school’s sex educationteacher. “That sort of thing is nolonger seen, and sometimes,students even come to myoffice and discuss love and sexwith me. There are also fewercases of ‘puppy love’ now,”Niesaid.



Promotion via parents


In addition to deliveringlectures about age appropriatesex and gender knowledgeto students at primaryschools and colleges, theAIDS prevention project alsopromotes sex educationamong parents.


Jiang Jun participated inhis first sex education class atthe Dujiangyan Dingxin NewPrimary School in Sichuanprovince along with 60 otherparents.The father of sons ages 9and 2 used his smartphone totake photos of every slide theteacher showed the class.


“My 9 year oldson startedto ask me questions aboutsexual behavior when hesaw animals having sex on aTV documentary. I didn’tknow how to respond,” hesaid.

“Many parents of my generationwho didn’t receive thiseducation have the sameproblem. We hope suchknowledge can be taught inschools,” Jiang said.

“Of course, parents shouldbe educated too, so they canbetter understand their children’sconcerns.”



Optional choice


Sex education is not arequired course in China’snine yearcompulsory educationsystem. In the country’s“normal” universities—thosethat teach a range of unrelatedsubjects and are alsoresponsible for teacher training— there are no majors insex education.


In 1994, Capital NormalUniversity in Beijing becamethe country’s first college tooffer sex education as a minorfor undergraduates.The minor consisted of 12courses and took two and ahalf years to complete,according to Zhang Meimei,the professor in charge.


“Participants were mostlydriven by their own interest,”she said. “The course isnot listed in the educationsystem, so there are no relatedpositions in the job market.”


Sex education is now anoptional course at the college,and the duration hasbeen shortened to onesemester.Zhang said the courseoffers basic comprehensivesex education, but those seekingdeeper knowledge needto consult with professionalteachers who specialize in thefield.


According to Zhang Jianxin,a professor at the WestChina School of PublicHealth in Sichuan, stereotypingis a major obstacle to thepromotion of sex educationin China.

“Many people still definesex education as ‘introducingknowledge about sexualactivity’, but it covers far morethan that,” he said.



From physical differences,self-protection and safe sex, totolerance and respect basedon gender differences, Zhangsaid sex education addressesthe root issues that help teensmake responsible decisionsthat will keep them safe andhealthy.


“Sex education is about love— an inescapable topic for allof us. It guides us to knowourselves and others. It willbe easier to build better socialand close relationships basedon such understanding,” hesaid.

“Those pilot projects willinitiate some changes amongthe younger generation, whichI believe could be a great drivingforce for a national campaignin the future.”


本文标签:青爱小屋 青爱工程 青爱基金会 中国青爱工程 北京青爱教育基金会




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